Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ethan Photo Shoot

After watching Mommy take pictures of Madeline, Ethan wanted a photo shoot too!
February 26, 2008: "Today, I was trying to make a tent out of a blanket for Ethan but he didn't want to go under it, he only wanted to sit on top of it.  So the tent turned into a boat.  Then he told me to take pictures while he sat on the blanket boat.  He kept saying, "more pictures!"  Talk about a photography mom's dream!  I took around 40 before he got tired of it."
March 2, 2008:  "Ethan loves numbers and the ABCs.  He knows all the numbers up to 12, counting and also recognizing them, and he knows all of the alphabet, upper and lower case.
 "Recently he discovered my clock on my nightstand and that it has numbers on it that change.  I told him that they change every minute and if he waits he can see what the next number will be.  He sits there staring at the clock saying, 'not yet, not yet…' and then when it changed, he announces the number it changed to!  The first time, he sat looking at the lock for half an hour…and it didn't take him long to realize that the numbers were going up in order.
 "In fact, Ethan enjoys anything that has an order or a specific pattern.  His favorite things to do include organizing and counting the diapers, putting his animals in a circle, laying out his ABC cards, having his little GeoTrax people go up and down the stairs at the train station (over and over), and basically anything where he can do the same things over and over in the exact same way."
I love you!

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