December 23, 2007 - 32 Weeks Pregnant
October 7, 2007: "It a GIRL! I knew it was, but I still cried when I found out at the ultrasound. I am so excited to have a girl. It will be so fun and wonderful. For some reason, ever since we moved into this house, I knew a girl would live in that room."November 18, 2007: "I never would have expected or imagined that I'd have a very rare blood antigen problem with my pregnancy… definitely not what I expected, but if it holds true to past experience, it should turn out to be better than my original self-made plan… perhaps because I'm learning about faith and long suffering. I'm learning about sacrifice. Perhaps I'll love her more than I would have, had the pregnancy been a breeze."
December 8, 2007: "They told me most likely things will remain on edge but be okay and we'll just end up scheduling my inducement for the end of January…all I know is that, 1. I hope she can make it past 34 weeks, 2. I hope when she's born she won't need transfusions and she'll just be healthy, 3. I hope we'll have enough warning that my mom can get here in time to be with Ethan and, 4. I'm tired of all of this."
December 21, 2007: "I'm a little Utah homesick tonight. Raelynn and Eric and their families are all there. Brian is in Utah on a 2 week leave from Iraq and Ben and Carrie are going to be there too. I wish so badly we could be there…I'll be 32 weeks on Christmas…I can't say it enough that I just want this baby to be healthy - now and when she's born."